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Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

Wellfest at Southborough High School

On Thursday 25th January our six Year 6 Mental Health Ambassadors, the Year 6 student council Wellbeing Champions and the Head and Deputy Head pupils were invited to attend Wellfest at Southborough High School. 

The fair was an opportunity for pupils to meet with mental health charities, local community groups and activity groups who shared information about looking after everyone’s mental health and wellbeing. 

They were given questionnaires to help guide them round the different stands, with questions to help them to gain more information. They all confidently asked the questions and were very interested in finding out about different mental health issues, ideas to support mental health and ways to be more inclusive of others. There were lots of fun activities to try and join in with to support our wellbeing.

The ambassadors came away with lots of positive ideas and resources which they would like to share with the rest of the school during Children’s Mental Health week in February, by running activities in the playground.

“That was so fun! It was really interesting to find out about different charities” 

“We should get some of those people to come into our school” 

“It was fun to do activities to support our mental health”

“We could use some of the ideas to support people at school”

“It was nice to meet so many inspiring people who are trying to help others” 

All the children came away very positive and reflective about the people they had met and the resources available to help others with their mental health.


Wellfest Thank-you letter