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Buckland Road,
Chessington, Surrey,
KT9 1JE 0208 397 2006 admin@castlehill.rbksch.org

Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

Nursery Admissions

You may submit an application for a place in our nursery any time after your child’s second birthday.   The deadline for applications is the Friday before half term in the term prior to entry.  Children are admitted at the next entry point following their third birthday (September or January).  Your child must be three years old by 31st August to start in the nursery in September.  If we have a January intake then your child must be three years old by 31st December to start in the nursery in January.  We may not have a January intake every year.

Please call us to request an application form.

Places will be allocated first of all to those children whose parents or carers who have submitted an application before the deadline.  Late applications will be considered if places remain after all the on-time applications have been allocated places.

If there are more applications than there are places available, offers will be made according to the following criteria.

  1. A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is a) in the care of the Local Authority, or b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Applications made under this criterion must be accompanied by details of circumstance and professionally supported evidence (e.g. from a social worker).
  2. Places will be offered next to children who have a brother or sister including adopted, foster, half or step brother or sister living at the same address who is attending the School at the time of admission.  
  3. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the School for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the School is made or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. 
  4. Places will then be offered in cases of exceptional family, social or medical need which makes the School the most suitable one for the child.  Please note professional supporting evidence is required.
  5. The remaining places will be offered to children whose home is nearest to the School, as measured by a straight line to the main entrance of the School in Buckland Road.  All distances will be measured using the Local Authority’s computerised Geographical Information System.



  • Any offer of a place on the grounds of distance is conditional on the child living at the address provided on the closing date for application.  A business address, a childminder’s address, or any address other than the child’s permanent home will not be accepted. Proof of address will be sought and may be the subject of further investigation. Temporary addresses will not be used for the purpose of administering applications.
  • We use the Council's standard method of measuring home to school distance in a straight line using the School Admissions computerised geographical information system and data supplied by Ordnance Survey. The starting point of the measurement is a grid reference point, which is supplied by Ordnance Survey, within the property. The end point is measured to the nearest school gate where the school has more than one gate. Please note that residents of every floor level in a particular block of flats are given an identical starting point, regardless of the distance to floor level. (For applicants from the same block of flats or who live the same distance from the school random selection by the drawing of lots is used as a tie-breaker). If a parent applies for entry into the same year group for more than one child and there is only one place available, the parent will be asked to decide which child should have the place. The names of the remaining brothers or sisters will be added to the waiting list.
  • Late applications will not be considered until after all applications received on time have been dealt with. As a late applicant, if your preferred nursery is unable to offer your child a place, your child’s name will be placed on the waiting list in accordance with the published admission criteria.
  • The school reserves the right to seek verification of the information parents have given on the application form and to withdraw places if false information has been given.

Please note that a school nursery place does not guarantee a place in the main school. Separate and different admissions criteria apply to reception classes. These are published in a separate brochure available from the Admissions Section or on the website at www.kingston.gov.uk   As the demand for primary school places is very high, parents should consider other schools in the area as well as the one they have applied for.