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KT9 1JE 0208 397 2006 admin@castlehill.rbksch.org

Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Castle Hill is dedicated to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for our entire school community, including children, staff, parents, and carers. We understand that mental health is just as important as physical health, and we strive to support everyone who may need additional emotional assistance during challenging times.     

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support at Castle Hill

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team, together with the Mental Health Support team from Achieving for Children (AfC), offers support to meet specific and wide-ranging emotional needs. We believe that all adults are wellbeing champions and pupils know that they can always speak to Miss McGrath or any member of staff to discuss any issues they may be experiencing. The team works in partnership with the children and their families to find the best possible support to address individual needs. 

If you have any concerns about your child's mental health or wellbeing, please speak with their class teacher or contact Miss S McGrath, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead: 

Telephone: 020 8397 2006     Email: mhfa@castlehill.rbksch.org   

Meet the Wellbeing Team

Wellbeing and Emotional Regulation Support at Castle Hill


Ethos and Environment

  • School Code of Conduct
  • Mental Health Champions: All school staff provide a safe and supportive environment for children to speak with trusted adults at school.
  • Pupil Voice:
    • Year 6 Mental Health Ambassadors
    • Student Council - Wellbeing Champions
  • My Hidden Chimp: All children are taught about their brains and healthy habits to help support their feelings, emotions and to express them in a positive way. (Please see below for further information about the My Hidden Chimp.)
  • Zones of Regulation: The scheme is used across the school to support children with emotional self-regulation. (Please see below for further information about the Zones of Regulation.)
  • Assemblies:
    • Weekly assemblies where our school values and MAGIC habits are shared and rewarded.
    • Regular assemblies led by the Mental Health Lead, Mental Health Ambassadors, and Wellbeing Champions to promote Mental Health and Wellbeing.
  • Playtimes:
    • Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) 
    • A Place to Talk: A morning playtime drop-in session in the Sunshine Room with Miss McGrath.
    • Sunshine Club: A quiet environment during lunchtime for those who need a calm space.
    • Year 5/6 Playground leaders.
  • Castle Kids: Breakfast and after-school wrap-around care.
  • Awards:
    • Attachment Aware Schools Award: Recognises our attachment-aware ethos and school community which provides a nurturing environment and positive relationships to promote secure attachments.
    • Healthy Schools Silver Award: Recognises our achievements in supporting the health and well-being of pupils. 
  • Mental Health/Wellbeing Projects: NHS Cues wellbeing research project, Anna Freud CORC wellbeing survey, supporting resilience around transition for parents project led by the Mental Health Support Team and Chelsea Football Club PSHE lessons and mentoring. 
  • Staff Support:
    • Regular mental health training is provided for all staff to support children and themselves.
    • Staff Wellbeing Action Group

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

  • Weekly PSHE lessons - please see the PSHE curriculum page for further information.
  • My Hidden Chimp: Each classroom has their Hidden Chimps displayed and there is a habit of the month to help support to train and manage our hidden chimps.
  • Zones of Regulation check-ins: In all classrooms, children can check in with staff throughout the day using a designated display. 
  • Tailored support for specific needs: All teachers personalise student well-being support with tools such as calm corners, worry boxes, regulation tents, and access to regulation tools.
  • Personalised individual support: In collaboration with the inclusion team, students can access personalised support, including daily worry time, personal worry boxes, positivity cards, and a "Can I talk to an adult?" card when needed.

Parents and Carers

  • Workshops: Parents and carers are invited to workshops, throughout the year, led by Educational Psychologists and the school's Mental Health Support Team, as well as local services.
  • Coffee Mornings: Throughout the year parents and carers are invited to coffee mornings to meet with class teachers, and the Inclusion and Wellbeing teams. This provides an opportunity to talk and share concerns, successes, and ideas. 
  • Mental Health Support Team: The Education Wellbeing Practitioner (EWP), the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) practitioner and the Mental Health Clinician work together with referred families to provide strategies, advice, and support. (Please see below for further information about the MHST)

The Zones of Regulation

Castle Hill uses the Zones of Regulation to teach and support pupils with social and emotional skills, emotional control, and gain skills in the area of self-regulation. Through the Zones of Regulation program, we aim to help children to learn to self-regulate, and understand their emotions and behaviours - and to understand the emotions and behaviours of other people.

The aim is for children to understand their emotions and learn how to regulate themselves in different zones.  

Please find below information about the Zones of Regulation and some useful links and resources.  

   Introducing the Zones of Regulation   Why the Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation Intervention   

Useful Links and Resources

Identifying Needs and Targeted Support


Castle Hill provides a variety of interventions focused on social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) for pupils who are referred by their teachers through our early help process. The inclusion team determines which type of support would be most effective.

The interventions available include Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), one-on-one well-being sessions, Zones of Regulation groups, Lego therapy, and Drawing and Talking therapy. If issues are beyond the level of school expertise we support parents with referrals to our Mental Health Support Team (MHST), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or our school Educational Psychologist.

Please find below information about our interventions and some useful resources.


     ELSA LeafletWhat is an ELSA Intervention? 

 Lego Therapy InformationDrawing and Talking Therapy


 Useful Links and Resources


The mental Health Support TEAM (MHST)       

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) is an early intervention service. They work with children, young people, families/carers, and staff in school settings to support emotional health and overall well-being across Kingston and Richmond. The MHST is delivered by Achieving for Children as part of the Emotional Health Service.

Castle Hill receives weekly support from the Mental Health Support Team which provides early intervention and support 1:1, in groups or to whole classes. The team is made up of Education Wellbeing Practitioners and Creative Therapists. They are based in the school every Tuesday.

Please find below further information about the team and the referral process.

MHST Information Leaflet What we offer - MHST



Achieving for Children's Emotional Health Service (EHS) is a multi-disciplinary team of clinical specialists and mental health clinicians (clinical and counselling psychologists, systemic psychotherapists and art psychotherapists) who provide mental health support to children and young people in Kingston and Richmond.

Please find below information about the service and some useful resources.     

Emotional Health Support Services      AfC Emotional Health Service Kingston (EHS)   

Useful Links and Resources 

The My Hidden Chimp Project

 The My Hidden Chimp Project Information 




Habit of the Month: As a school, each month we will focus on one of the ten habits to support us in training and managing our chimps.

This month our habit is: 

My Hidden Chimp

 Coffee Morning Slides - My Hidden Chimp

The My Hidden Chimp Letter

The My Hidden Chimp Coffee Morning Letter

Awareness Days and Weeks

We celebrate national and global mental health and wellbeing awareness days with school-wide projects, small group workshops, and fundraising events.

World Mental Health Day: 10th October 2023  

Anti-Bullying Week: 13th-17th November 2023

Time To Talk Day: 1st February 2024 

Children's Mental Health Week 2024 

Empathy Week 2024- Following on from our My Hidden Chimp Project in February we revisited our learning in assemblies during Empathy Awareness Week (26th February - 1st March).  We discussed how we can recognise and understand when others have let their Chimps take over and how we can help them. As part of the week, we had a challenge to 'spread kindness' across the school through simple acts such as smiling etc.

Mental Health and Wellbeing


Parent Support

Where can I go for urgent mental health support?

steps to take in a mental health crisis

NHS Crisis Lines

Please contact the South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust 24-hour Mental Health Support Line. Anyone can use this out-of-hours line, even if you are not seen by CAMHS. 

The 24/7 Crisis Line is supported by trained mental health advisors. 

  • 0800 028 8000

Attend A&E

If you cannot keep yourself / your child immediately safe and have contacted the Crisis Line, you may be advised to attend A&E. 


Contact your GP

If you or your child needs urgent mental health support, but you feel like you can keep yourself/your child safe for a little while, you should book an emergency GP appointment - contact your GP surgery directly to book. 


Kingston and Richmond's Single Point of Access (Safeguarding)

In the first instance, contact Kingston and Richmond's Single Point of Access (SPA) if you are looking for support for a young person or have concerns. This service should also be contacted if there are any safeguarding issues or any other concerns about the wellbeing of a person.

  • 020 8547 5008 (9am - 5pm)
  • 020 8770 5000 (out of hours)

Contact Your CAMHS (9 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday)

If you are currently being seen by CAMHS, use this helpline in the first instance. The local teams' numbers are:

  • Kingston Tier 3 (Woodroffe FACT) - 020 3513 5183
  • Kingston Emotional Health Service (Tier 2 CAMHS) - 020 8547 6269

Kingston and Richmond's School Health Service

The School Health Service provides confidential advice and support to young people attending a school or being home-schooled in Kingston, to help promote physical and mental wellbeing. 

Mental Health Helplines General Mental Health Concerns Suicide/Self-harm and PTSD Concerns Bullying/Drugs/Alcohol Concerns

Parent Workshops

Useful Resources 


Talking about Mental Health

Mental Health and Social Media

Additional Links and Resources

Mental Health Support




Shout - UK's 24/7 Crisis Text Service for Mental Health Support





Family Action - Family Line

Mental Health Helplines


Parents guide about self-harm

Men's mental health

Campaign Against Living Miserably 

Papyrus UK

Teapot Trust - Support for Children with Chronic Conditions

Beat - Eating Disorders 




How to talk to your GP about your mental health

Young Minds Parents Mental Health Support

Anna Freud Centre

Self-care for parents and Carers

Mentally Healthy Schools -Mental Health Needs

Place2be Parenting Smart 

MindEd for Families 


Action for Children Parent Talk 

NHS Every Mind Matters 

5 Steps to Wellbeing 

Connected Kingston 

Kingston Carers Network

Young Carers

Self-Harm support 

Man and Boy 


Mates in Mind  

Men Tell 

Parents and carers in conflict or separating

Talking to your kids about unreliable parent

Gingerbread - Helping children through a family separation




Mental Health for England -Self Care

Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools

Child Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents

Parents' Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents

Mental Health Advice 

7 ways to support anxiety

Guide to Anxiety 

Coping with anxiety tips

Supporting Parents with School Transition

Worrying about war

Help your kids with scary news 

Grief and Bereavement



Kingston Bereavement Service

Tips for supporting children with grief

Child Bereavement UK

Childhood Bereavement Network

Winstons Wish 

Bereavement Advice




Happiness Calendar



10 Days of Happiness

A monthly Happiness Calendar can be found at: Monthly Calendar